Come see why we're voted BILLINGS' BEST fitness center

Granite Health+Fitness

Your Life, Your Gym

Group Training

You Get More from a Group

Granite's Group Effect

Fitness results come from various approaches, but on your own, it's easier to stop when the going gets hard. That's where The Group Effect comes in. Granite's Group Training is the most powerful way to get the motivation, inspiration and results you are looking for.

Working out in a group gives you the confidence and support you need to unleash yourself. You'll gain strength from exercising with others and you'll motivate each other to work harder, and push yourself just a little more.

There's a Class for Everyone

Providing the most popular class from LesMills, Group Training Classes are part of your Granite Health and Fitness Membership package. We have a wide variety of classes depending on your fitness level and interest. Use our class filter to build your perfect schedule. Check out for more information.

Motivation. Inspiration. Results.
The First Step to Fitness Isn't a Leap

Take it in steps

When it comes to motivation, our brains are mysterious creatures. One minute you're pumped, full of enthusiasm. A few weeks later the excuses start to creep in, and before you know it you haven't been to the gym all week.

The good news is you're not alone. The thoughts you experience when you're just getting started with fitness are part of a well-studies science. Research shows there are a few key things that will guarantee you keep coming back for more.

Smart Start

The Smart Start fitness schedule is proven by science and combines a fun mix of cardio, strength, core, and flexibility sessions.

  • Cardio exercise is great for burning calories and important for your heart health.
  • Strength training builds lean muscle and helps with long-term weight loss.
  • Core strength is critical for building a strong body to create the best platform for all other exercises.
  • Flexibility reduces chances of injury, increases mobility and improves your posture.