Read the latest fitness and nutrition articles from our own Granite Health and Fitness team of personal trainers and group training instructors.
Over the last few weeks, we've received nominations for Granite's Most Inspirational Member. We've taken these nominations down to the top 4 and now it's time to vote! Now through Sunday, October 15th, you can vote for your Granite's Most Inspirational Member. We'll announce the winner during our member appreciation event on November 11.
Christmas Time 1998 my life changed forever. Deep down, I knew. A nurse with experience feeling a breast lump. Most people are touched by cancer in some way. I was a caregiver of cancer patients. Now it was my turn to experience the journey of being a cancer patient myself. I was confident that I was up for the challenge. What I didn't know was that I would need many to surround me for support along the way. With my job and 2 young daughters in many activities at school, I had to admit I couldn't do this alone. I found I was surrounded by many who wanted to help.
The greatest fear, especially for women, is losing their hair, but after lots of tears initially, I ended up loving my bald head! It wasn't easy, but the challenges I experienced made me a stronger, more determined person.
Many were surprised that a healthy, energetic young person like me could have breast cancer. At that time, I did not know that I would be diagnosed 15 years later with the BRCA1 cancer gene, so there was a genetic component to my cancer. Very few cancer cases are genetic, but it is life changing for the families. Knowledge is power in saving lives so testing of young cancer patients is important. I knew that I had so much to live for, and would fight hard against this aggressive, fast growing cancer. I was thankful that from diagnosis to my first surgery, it was less than 24 hours! More surgery followed...but the waiting for a plan with a cancer diagnosis, is hard. During that waiting time, you think about “what if” and I personally made many plans for my family's future without me.
Cancer is a journey that many people will experience. There is no wrong or right way to do it. Every person is different and needs to be respected in their requests. If you are someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer or know of someone who has…small things that MAY help:
We still do not know for sure the causes of all cancers, but for breast cancer some studies reveal that weight management is important. From that, healthy eating, exercise, sleep and stress reduction should be built into all of our lives with more priority.
Granite Health and Fitness has become another home to me. I come to focus on my health by building a strong mind and body…physical and emotional strength along with treasured relationships, will take us far in life's amazing journey! We should never be alone, with or without cancer.